March 31, 2008

We're gonna need a U-Haul

When the boys & I moved here back in early January, we somehow managed to pack up everything (I thought) we needed into the bed of my truck. Well life has a way of throwing you a curve ball now & then. Our time line for staying & later coming home was supposed to be end of February/early March, yeah not so much. Here we are at the end of March in our second apartment (see earlier post about the 1st apartment) that is growing steadily full of stuff. When we moved out of our furnished 400 sq. ft. studio apartment we had to buy some stuff. I like to say that we are camping in style but the truth is we are making this place more of a home everyday. Well one of the pieces of "stuff" that we bought when we moved in was an extremely cheap ($88) futon from Wal-Mart. I really didn't want to get it, I was willing to hold out for maybe a sofa from Goodwill or some other thrift store. I wasn't gonna be picky, as far as I was concerned we were gonna leave (or sell) the furniture that we bought here when it was time to return to Texas. Well here it is one month later & the futon (like most crap from Wal-Mart) has reached the end of its life span. This thing was not made for 200+ lb. men to flop down on it with any sort of regularity. Danny was the first to break something (a weld I think) underneath. Well now we have a big hole at one end of the couch where the metal "tray" that you actually sit on has broken away from the frame. You wanna see something funny, watch two grown men sit right next to each other, watching a NASCAR race with a huge space at the end of the couch. Neither one would sit back at the same time. One would sit all the way back & the other would sit at the edge of the couch, really funny to sit back & watch. Anyways, Danny & I discussed what our possible solutions were & I think we have finally agreed that we are gonna buy a new sofa or whatever but that it WOULD go home with us to replace our loveseat at home. Up until now I was really thinking that we could somehow manage to fit all our stuff back into the bed of the pickup for our return journey. My mom has gotten quite the laugh at me every time I tell her I've bought something new (the jump-a-roo, the high chair, the big screen tv). We've joked back & forth about how I was gonna have to rent a U-Haul trailer to come home. Well all joking aside, we are gonna have to rent a U-Haul to come home. In the end it might be the best option since we plan on spending the night somewhere between here & home. That way I don't have to obsess over someone stealing Danny's new baby (the tv) out of the back of my truck. Still don't know when we'll be home maybe June, maybe later. I would kinda like to stay here for the summer, you know highs in the 80's & all but we'll see, we won't know anything until it gets closer to that time.

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