March 5, 2008


Here I am AGAIN sitting in this apartment waiting for someone to show up. I HATE WAITING!! It seems like that is all I have done for the last few days since we moved in to this new apartment. This all started last Friday waiting for the UPS guy to get here, he had Mason's birth certificate. I was not about to take the chance that I would leave & he would show up & leave the package outside my door. The document is too precious, it is the only way Mason can fly home with me in a couple of weeks. BTW, he didn't show up till 5 pm, a whole day wasted!!! Monday morning I sat around waiting for the cable man to show up. When he wasn't here by noon, I called Dishnetwork. I found out that they rescheduled my appointment for Wednesday morning (and didn't bother to call) & had the wrong service address!! How in the HELL do you get apartment 1 from apartment 45!!! They don't even sound remotely the same!!!!!!! Tuesday I had to wait on the maintenance man to come fix my dishwasher, only to find out there was nothing wrong with it. Well, it sure does make awful sounds for nothing to be wrong. Then today, I am again waiting on the cable man to come & install a new receiver. And while I am writing this I have been back and forth on the phone with Dish. Apparently they have a problem with the fact that my other receivers are back home in Texas. Now they are telling me that they cannot install anything until I get the other receivers from Texas. Well this is just a load of CRAP!!! I hate talking to these people, most don't know their butt from a hole in the ground!! Especially the national call center (located somewhere in INDIA!!). With as much as we all pay for their service, you would think they could afford to pay people in the US to answer their damn phones. At least pay someone that speaks & understands English. UGGGGHHHHHH!!! I HATE WAITING AROUND FOR ALL THESE DAMN PEOPLE!!!!!!!! Oh, got another phone call, now they are saying they can install just the one receiver but I have to reschedule the installation, AGAIN!!! I am so pissed!!!

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