March 12, 2008

this town

Ever since I got to Los Alamos in early January something has bugged the crap out of me. This place reminds me of something, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Well, I think I have figured it out. This place reminds me of a combination of Eureka (a series on Sci-Fi) & Northern Exposure (the old, old show from the early 90's). Why those two, you ask? Well Los Alamos is known as the nerd capital of the US & is fairly remote in locale. I keep expecting some crazy futuristic experiment to go awry or for Maggie to pull up in that old beat up truck she drove. I make LA sound like some backwoods hillbilly stick town, well, close. This place rolls up their sidewalks at dark 30, no joke, but the library & aquatic center both stay open till 8 pm on weeknights!! You don't realize how much you take for granted (like eating out or a little shopping at 9 pm) until it's gone. I WILL be going to Super Target late at night at least once while I am at home visiting!! Speaking of, I am set to arrive in Austin one week from today!! My packing list has already been started & my list of stuff to bring back with me grows longer everyday. Now if only I can get that damn title for Danny's truck & all will be good!! I love the company Danny works for, it has been really good for him (us), but OMG they have some pure idiots working in the office in Dallas!! We have requested a new title for that truck 5 times in the last 2 1/2 months, it can't possibly be that hard a job. Oh wow, that was quite a bunny trail I was on!!! Anyways, see ya'll when I get home!

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