March 25, 2008


If you are reading this, then you know what I have gone through this week. If you don't well, let me fill you in... I came home for a visit for Easter weekend & realized on Sunday night that our house had been broken in to. I came home on Wednesday, saw the house & thought that a critter had been in the house. Needless to say, I was not gonna stay in that house w/ a critter, we stayed at my mom's house. Well, I went back to my house on Sunday afternoon to start the clean up & began to realize that something wasn't right. I slowly put 2 & 2 together, made a few phone calls & came to the conclusion that some kids have been in my house. Not only did they take some VERY expensive alcohol but also some things from our wedding & honeymoon that cannot be replaced. Damn asshole kids!!! I am about 99.9% sure of who it was but of course can't be 100% without proof. Anyways, called the sheriff's department on Monday, filed a report & here we are waiting. I did hand over 4 bottles that I believe have their prints on them, hopefully! What the HELL is the wrong with these kids that they think it is okay to break into someones home, tear up what they want, & take anything they desire???? Oh yeah, they tore up some stuff. It's just enough to make someone sick to their stomach. I was so mad on Sunday that I was ready to kick some kid ass!! I'm still really pissed off & now worried about my house. I have upped my homeowner's insurance to cover anything that they may break/damage in retaliation to me calling the police. Damn SOB kids!!! I know these kids, they know me; did they not think I would do something about them breaking in??? And as much alcohol as they consumed, I hope they were all sick for a day or two. I hope they felt like they were gonna puke their guts out. Not that I harbor any hard feelings over this... And their parents, what the hell is that matter with them that they don't know what their kids are doing??? Well, I know the answer to my own question but it still pisses me off. Those little pieces of shit are damn lucky that I don't want to go to jail otherwise I would go over there & kick their ass myself.

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