When the boys & I moved here back in early January, we somehow managed to pack up everything (I thought) we needed into the bed of my truck. Well life has a way of throwing you a curve ball now & then. Our time line for staying & later coming home was supposed to be end of February/early March, yeah not so much. Here we are at the end of March in our second apartment (see earlier post about the 1st apartment) that is growing steadily full of stuff. When we moved out of our furnished 400 sq. ft. studio apartment we had to buy some stuff. I like to say that we are camping in style but the truth is we are making this place more of a home everyday. Well one of the pieces of "stuff" that we bought when we moved in was an extremely cheap ($88) futon from Wal-Mart. I really didn't want to get it, I was willing to hold out for maybe a sofa from Goodwill or some other thrift store. I wasn't gonna be picky, as far as I was concerned we were gonna leave (or sell) the furniture that we bought here when it was time to return to Texas. Well here it is one month later & the futon (like most crap from Wal-Mart) has reached the end of its life span. This thing was not made for 200+ lb. men to flop down on it with any sort of regularity. Danny was the first to break something (a weld I think) underneath. Well now we have a big hole at one end of the couch where the metal "tray" that you actually sit on has broken away from the frame. You wanna see something funny, watch two grown men sit right next to each other, watching a NASCAR race with a huge space at the end of the couch. Neither one would sit back at the same time. One would sit all the way back & the other would sit at the edge of the couch, really funny to sit back & watch. Anyways, Danny & I discussed what our possible solutions were & I think we have finally agreed that we are gonna buy a new sofa or whatever but that it WOULD go home with us to replace our loveseat at home. Up until now I was really thinking that we could somehow manage to fit all our stuff back into the bed of the pickup for our return journey. My mom has gotten quite the laugh at me every time I tell her I've bought something new (the jump-a-roo, the high chair, the big screen tv). We've joked back & forth about how I was gonna have to rent a U-Haul trailer to come home. Well all joking aside, we are gonna have to rent a U-Haul to come home. In the end it might be the best option since we plan on spending the night somewhere between here & home. That way I don't have to obsess over someone stealing Danny's new baby (the tv) out of the back of my truck. Still don't know when we'll be home maybe June, maybe later. I would kinda like to stay here for the summer, you know highs in the 80's & all but we'll see, we won't know anything until it gets closer to that time.
March 31, 2008
We're gonna need a U-Haul
Posted for all the world to see by Kim 0 folks wanted to say what they felt
March 27, 2008
the update
Okay, so in the last few days I have not only found out who it was that broke into my house but I’ve also heard they have fessed up (1st to their parents, then to an officer). Well, now I have a big desision to make: to press charges or not. I know at first thought it would be, do it, do it now but two of these kids are family. Can you belive that shit??? Two of the three kids that decided they had enough balls to break into my house & tear my stuff up are my husband’s cousins. I really was hoping it wasn’t them even though deep down I knew it was. Part of what I don’t understand is WHY??? Why my house, why tear up my stuff, go through my personal belongings, take stuff that means so much to us?? Well, I knew it would only be a matter of time before I got the first phone call trying to talk me out of pressing charges. One of the parents called me last night, offering to replace anything that was damaged including my refrigeratror. And like I explained to her, I just don’t see how I can just drop the charges. I can’t trust the kids ever again, I can’t trust they won’t do this again, or that they won’t do worse next time. If I do drop the charges then what, they get a slap on the hands & sent on their way. No real punishment. These kids have gotten away with so much already, it was just a matter of time before they escalated to a felony. Also like I explained to this parent, it’s more than just what the kids tore up & destroyed. I feel so violated, unsafe in my own home. I have lived in that house for 10 years & have NEVER felt unsafe there. So many things have gone through my mind in the last few days. These kids have no idea what could have happened because of what they did that night. Candles, lighters, matches, A LOT of alcohol & very dry conditions, it’s a thousand wonders they didn’t catch something on fire. Who the hell do these kids think they are? Do they think the law doesn’t apply to them? I was/still am so pissed that they did this. I’m not sure how long it will take me to get over this. All this does is makes me want to move from there that much more, even though that probably would mean that I would have to go back to work. GD kids, I should press charges just so that it might scare the shit out of them enough they would think twice before doing something like this again. I would love to have about 5 minutes unsupervised with these thugs. I know I have to move past this but it is still too fresh, too raw.
Posted for all the world to see by Kim 0 folks wanted to say what they felt
March 25, 2008
If you are reading this, then you know what I have gone through this week. If you don't well, let me fill you in... I came home for a visit for Easter weekend & realized on Sunday night that our house had been broken in to. I came home on Wednesday, saw the house & thought that a critter had been in the house. Needless to say, I was not gonna stay in that house w/ a critter, we stayed at my mom's house. Well, I went back to my house on Sunday afternoon to start the clean up & began to realize that something wasn't right. I slowly put 2 & 2 together, made a few phone calls & came to the conclusion that some kids have been in my house. Not only did they take some VERY expensive alcohol but also some things from our wedding & honeymoon that cannot be replaced. Damn asshole kids!!! I am about 99.9% sure of who it was but of course can't be 100% without proof. Anyways, called the sheriff's department on Monday, filed a report & here we are waiting. I did hand over 4 bottles that I believe have their prints on them, hopefully! What the HELL is the wrong with these kids that they think it is okay to break into someones home, tear up what they want, & take anything they desire???? Oh yeah, they tore up some stuff. It's just enough to make someone sick to their stomach. I was so mad on Sunday that I was ready to kick some kid ass!! I'm still really pissed off & now worried about my house. I have upped my homeowner's insurance to cover anything that they may break/damage in retaliation to me calling the police. Damn SOB kids!!! I know these kids, they know me; did they not think I would do something about them breaking in??? And as much alcohol as they consumed, I hope they were all sick for a day or two. I hope they felt like they were gonna puke their guts out. Not that I harbor any hard feelings over this... And their parents, what the hell is that matter with them that they don't know what their kids are doing??? Well, I know the answer to my own question but it still pisses me off. Those little pieces of shit are damn lucky that I don't want to go to jail otherwise I would go over there & kick their ass myself.
Posted for all the world to see by Kim 0 folks wanted to say what they felt
March 12, 2008
this town
Ever since I got to Los Alamos in early January something has bugged the crap out of me. This place reminds me of something, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Well, I think I have figured it out. This place reminds me of a combination of Eureka (a series on Sci-Fi) & Northern Exposure (the old, old show from the early 90's). Why those two, you ask? Well Los Alamos is known as the nerd capital of the US & is fairly remote in locale. I keep expecting some crazy futuristic experiment to go awry or for Maggie to pull up in that old beat up truck she drove. I make LA sound like some backwoods hillbilly stick town, well, close. This place rolls up their sidewalks at dark 30, no joke, but the library & aquatic center both stay open till 8 pm on weeknights!! You don't realize how much you take for granted (like eating out or a little shopping at 9 pm) until it's gone. I WILL be going to Super Target late at night at least once while I am at home visiting!! Speaking of, I am set to arrive in Austin one week from today!! My packing list has already been started & my list of stuff to bring back with me grows longer everyday. Now if only I can get that damn title for Danny's truck & all will be good!! I love the company Danny works for, it has been really good for him (us), but OMG they have some pure idiots working in the office in Dallas!! We have requested a new title for that truck 5 times in the last 2 1/2 months, it can't possibly be that hard a job. Oh wow, that was quite a bunny trail I was on!!! Anyways, see ya'll when I get home!
Posted for all the world to see by Kim 0 folks wanted to say what they felt
March 11, 2008
Just an FYI just in case you were worried, we did get the cable installed. The installers (3 kids no older than 18 or 19 maybe!) finally showed up several hours late & hooked up the first receiver. Can you guess what happend next? Surprise, surprise it didn't work!! I know that shouldn't shock me. Luckily they had one other receiver & we got it hooked up & it works. Thank God because I was about to go postal. Well, needless to say we finally have cable & I am satisfied. I didn't realize I would miss the kids cartoons as much as I would. HA HA HA!!!
Posted for all the world to see by Kim 0 folks wanted to say what they felt
random quotes from photobucket
Posted for all the world to see by Kim 0 folks wanted to say what they felt
March 5, 2008
Here I am AGAIN sitting in this apartment waiting for someone to show up. I HATE WAITING!! It seems like that is all I have done for the last few days since we moved in to this new apartment. This all started last Friday waiting for the UPS guy to get here, he had Mason's birth certificate. I was not about to take the chance that I would leave & he would show up & leave the package outside my door. The document is too precious, it is the only way Mason can fly home with me in a couple of weeks. BTW, he didn't show up till 5 pm, a whole day wasted!!! Monday morning I sat around waiting for the cable man to show up. When he wasn't here by noon, I called Dishnetwork. I found out that they rescheduled my appointment for Wednesday morning (and didn't bother to call) & had the wrong service address!! How in the HELL do you get apartment 1 from apartment 45!!! They don't even sound remotely the same!!!!!!! Tuesday I had to wait on the maintenance man to come fix my dishwasher, only to find out there was nothing wrong with it. Well, it sure does make awful sounds for nothing to be wrong. Then today, I am again waiting on the cable man to come & install a new receiver. And while I am writing this I have been back and forth on the phone with Dish. Apparently they have a problem with the fact that my other receivers are back home in Texas. Now they are telling me that they cannot install anything until I get the other receivers from Texas. Well this is just a load of CRAP!!! I hate talking to these people, most don't know their butt from a hole in the ground!! Especially the national call center (located somewhere in INDIA!!). With as much as we all pay for their service, you would think they could afford to pay people in the US to answer their damn phones. At least pay someone that speaks & understands English. UGGGGHHHHHH!!! I HATE WAITING AROUND FOR ALL THESE DAMN PEOPLE!!!!!!!! Oh, got another phone call, now they are saying they can install just the one receiver but I have to reschedule the installation, AGAIN!!! I am so pissed!!!
Posted for all the world to see by Kim 0 folks wanted to say what they felt