August 26, 2009

wtf wednesday

Okay so Hit 40 started this WTF Wednesday thing a few weeks ago & today I actually have something to share!! Oh btw, go check her out @ Sane without drugs, she's got some funny sh** over there!

WTF...has this world come to that we now need instructions on the back of the tissue paper wrapper to tell us how to FLUFF tissue paper?!?!?! I shit you not, I bought some tissue paper the other day at "The Evil Empire" store (aka Wal-Mart), started to open it & noticed something on the back that I had not seen before. Turned the package over (Hallmark tissue paper, btw) & could not believe what I was reading; right there in black print were instructions on how to fluff the tissue paper & put it in a gift bag. I really wish I could find my camera right now so that I could show you & you wouldn't think I was all crazy & shit.

Reading it with my great disbelief got me thinking about how we as a society have dumbed everything down. I mean come on! Do we REALLY need instructions on how to FLUFF tissue paper & put it in a gift bag?? SERIOUSLY?? I pretty sure my 5 year old could do it with his eyes closed. Of course my 5 year old is pretty exceptional. Yes, I am very biased but you tell me how many 5 year olds you know not only know the words humiliate, concerned, dehydrated or even negotiate but can also use them correctly? (all of these words have been used correctly on multiple occasions over the past few months - BEFORE he started kindergarten.)

Anyways, I digress. Am I alone here in thinking that this a ridiculous waste of ink? Or, is Hallmark actually making everyone smarter by printing the instructions on the back? You tell me, I would love to hear what others think.

1 folks wanted to say what they felt:

Hit 40 said...

WTF!!! I love it. And how appropriate a post on tissue!!! Folks really do need directions on everything. Thank you for playing today. I appreciate your company :-)