August 26, 2009

wtf wednesday

Okay so Hit 40 started this WTF Wednesday thing a few weeks ago & today I actually have something to share!! Oh btw, go check her out @ Sane without drugs, she's got some funny sh** over there!

WTF...has this world come to that we now need instructions on the back of the tissue paper wrapper to tell us how to FLUFF tissue paper?!?!?! I shit you not, I bought some tissue paper the other day at "The Evil Empire" store (aka Wal-Mart), started to open it & noticed something on the back that I had not seen before. Turned the package over (Hallmark tissue paper, btw) & could not believe what I was reading; right there in black print were instructions on how to fluff the tissue paper & put it in a gift bag. I really wish I could find my camera right now so that I could show you & you wouldn't think I was all crazy & shit.

Reading it with my great disbelief got me thinking about how we as a society have dumbed everything down. I mean come on! Do we REALLY need instructions on how to FLUFF tissue paper & put it in a gift bag?? SERIOUSLY?? I pretty sure my 5 year old could do it with his eyes closed. Of course my 5 year old is pretty exceptional. Yes, I am very biased but you tell me how many 5 year olds you know not only know the words humiliate, concerned, dehydrated or even negotiate but can also use them correctly? (all of these words have been used correctly on multiple occasions over the past few months - BEFORE he started kindergarten.)

Anyways, I digress. Am I alone here in thinking that this a ridiculous waste of ink? Or, is Hallmark actually making everyone smarter by printing the instructions on the back? You tell me, I would love to hear what others think.

July 27, 2009

baby stellan

Ok folks prayer time! Head over to my charming kids to read about Baby Stellan & his family. They need really need your prayers & positive energy right now. Be sure to leave them an note of encouragement while you are there.

July 14, 2009


I have a question, do I have STUPID tattooed across my forehead? Or a better question would be does my email address say to people that I'm a nit-wit?? I don't think I do nor do I think my email gives that impression. I didn't finish college (I kick myself for that but that's another story for another time) but I would like to think that I've got some good sense in my head. I ask this because of all the spam emails that I have received recently. I mean REALLY??? do they think I would fall for the crock they're selling? Just so that everyone would know what I'm talking about, I decided to share one with you. Go ahead & read it, I'll wait, see you at the bottom...

From Daily Thompson
Director of (CAPCOM)
Phone;(+27) 781786174
Fax: (+27) 86 608 9125

In line with Government’s commitment to transform the public sector, The South African National Roads Agency Ltd (SANRAL) was established in April 1998 by an Act of Parliament as an independent statutory company operating along commercial lines and at arm’s length from Government.

SANRAL harnesses more than 600 person years of core skills and experience in road development and management within a highly motivated, pro-fessional and passionate team of people operating out of its ( Pretoria ) head office and four regional offices located in ( Pretoria ), (Cape Town), (Pietermaritzburg) and (Port Elizabeth).

I am the Director of Contract Award and Procurement Commission (CAPCOM) to the Republic of South Africa. I and the Chairman of (CAPCOM) (Mr.Joseph Clark) are confidentially requesting for your consent to transfer a deliberate OVER-INVOICED sum of US$27,500,000.00m. Of Multi Billion Dollars Contract awarded to foreign firms in preparation of the 2010 Fifa Football World Cup to be hosted by South Africa.

This is to use your name/particulars LEGALLY transfer the said fund which we deliberately inflated/over-estimated during the contract we awarded some months Ago for our personal benefit. Hence we have decided to invest and re-settle outside the African continent due to geometric economic depression and increase in crises, which leads to violation of human rights, devaluation of currencies, acute scarcity of food and other amenities

In order for us to proceed with the agreement, I will like to have verbal communication with you; therefore, I request that you call me on: +27781786174 as soon as you received my email and your response will be honoured and finally provide us with the below Information’s.

(1) Your Company name (if any). (2) Profession, Age and Marital Status. (3)Residential address. (4) Phone and fax numbers.

Thanks and waiting for your urgent response.

Daily Thompson Director of Contract Award & Procurement Commission (CAPCOM).

See what I mean?! (BTW, I did not correct any of the spelling, mis-capitalizations, or anything about it. I wanted to share it with you as I received it.) I mean COME ON does anyone fall for this load of S****? Well, I guess someone out there could but not this someone, my Mama didn't raise no fool.

June 30, 2009

it moved!

Attention all my dear, loyal follower: During my spare time moved to its' new permanent home at spare time creations. Hopefully this will be my one and only move (I know everyone hates editing bookmarks & such). Check it out in it's new home, there will be new posts to come soon.

June 25, 2009

they say everything happens in threes...

Unless you've been living under a rock this week you know that Hollywood & fans everywhere are mourning the loss of three big names.

On Tuesday we lost Ed McMahon. Okay, we all knew he was up there in age (86) & no one would argue that he's lived a very long life, (and as far as we've all seen) with a very successful career (okay, up until recently). I know we all remember Star Search & that he was Johnny Carson's side kick for all those years. But did you know that he was on Scrubs? or Las Vegas?? I love both of those shows! He will be greatly missed.

Today, early this afternoon, we sadly heard that Farrah Fawcett lost her brave battle to cancer. At 62 many would say that she was taken from us too soon. We all watched through tear filled eyes (or maybe that was just me~her situation kinda hits close to home) her NBC special last month as her story was being told. We all know though, deep down in our hearts, that as sad as it is she's better off, she's not suffering anymore. She too will be greatly missed.

Then later today, shocker of all shockers Micheal Jackson died! OMG, I can honestly say that I did not see that one coming. My heart goes out to his family, I know how difficult it is to suddenly loose a family member but for it to be so public is got to be extra hard. I also know the man (freak) had lots of loyal fans (followers) & they are extremely saddened by this news. And 25+ years ago I was one of those fans, I remember Thriller & Beat It & the moonwalk the first time around. Back then, even as young as I was, I could almost sing along word for word both of those songs. As far as missing him, no I don't think I will. It does feel though like a definite end to a era. (I know, I know it was over a long time ago but it still feels odd none the less.) Kinda makes me feel old.....

What gets me though is all the attention this man is getting from all these different media outlets. I realize that this is sudden & people are still in shock but come on! Last I checked TMZ had 29 "stories" of Micheal Jackson's death but only 2 about Farrah Fawcett's passing & only 1 posting about Ed McMahon's death. What does that say about our society? So, the more wacko or sicko you are the more attention you deserve?? I mean MY GAWD, one posting was about his body being loaded into a helicopter for transport & another was about it reaching it's destination. Really?? And TMZ isn't the only one, E! Online is just as bad & so is the E! channel. I guess really though they are just doing their jobs, it's us, we're the ones to blame. If we (society) didn't idolize these celebs so much & actually treated them like people then this kind of media frenzy would not be taking place. I do have to say though that it's not only the media that is trying to cash in on this but plain jane people are hitting places like Craigslist with MJ stuff to sell. I checked this afternoon to see how long it would take someone to list MJ stuff for sale on Austin's Craigslist & I can't say that I was surprised. 1 hour is it. Within 1 hour of hearing the news, some one had listed a Micheal Jackson LP for sale, no price, I guess they are hoping for a bidding war. Ebayer's are not any better, I checked there too & I stopped counting after 400! items!! So while my heart & prayers goes out to the Jackson family, especially the kids, that God may comfort them in this very difficult time; I will be praying for this nation as well. And WOW, was that a rant. Sorry bout that, didn't think I had so much to say.

May 25, 2009

during my spare time

I'm excited to announce the birth of my newest blog!! During My Spare Time was created out of the need for a suitable place to showcase all my fun, crafty, time-consuming projects. I thought long & hard about this & wondered how on God's green earth can I possibly keep up with 3 blogs. Well, I don't know that I can but I will sure as heck try my hardest. Wish me luck & check on me often, I may be drowning over here. Thanks for the support & you are more than welcome to click to become a follower! Much love to ya'!

April 22, 2009

ten things about me

*I wanted to preface this post with a small side note. I totally found this as a myspace bulletin, you know, one of those "quizzes" that someone starts & a million different people copy & paste with their own answers. Yeah, except I thought it would make a WONDERFUL post on the blog since I haven't done one of those in a REALLY long time.

TEN things you wish you could say to TEN DIFFERENT people.
Don’t name the person:
1. goodbye.
2. goodbye.
3. goodbye.
4. goodbye.
5. goodbye.
6. Grow up & take care of your responsibilities.
7. For the love of God, GROW UP! We shouldn't have to be parenting you.
8. Thank you for all your sacrifices, I appreciate them now more than ever.
9. I'm so happy that we've gotten to know each other so well over the past year. You've been a life saver.
10. I love you & can't imagine life without you.

NINE things about yourself:
1. I am a Christian, first & foremost.
2. I am a mom.
3. I over analyse everything.
4. I take things very personal.
5. I am a bit of a perfectionist.
6. I hold grudges.
7. I have a pretty good memory.
8. I procrastinate, a lot!
9. I hate to cook but love to bake.

EIGHT ways to win my heart:
1. be good with/to my kids.
2. talk TO me, not DOWN to me.
3. remember the little things.
4. gossip with me.
5. make me a top priority.
6. love me unconditionally.
7. be a good friend.
8. be my cheerleader, but not in a super cheesy way.

SEVEN things you wish you never did:
1. lied to myself for so long.
2. spend so much money on stupid **** in the past.
3. quit college (the first time).
4. quit college (the second time).
5. gained so much weight.
6. trusted the wrong people.
7. try to change myself to fit in where I didn't belong.

SIX things that cross your mind a lot:
1. my kids. (bad things happen when they get quiet)
2. my husband. (especially when he's driving home)
3. bills.
4. money.
5. plans for the upcoming weekend.
6. what could have been.

FIVE turn offs:
1. secrets.
2. lies.
3. poor hygiene.
4. double standards.
5. treating mine or any kids badly.

FOUR turn ons:
1. honesty.
2. love of family.
3. personality.
4. a captivating smile.

THREE words that describe your life:
1. chaotic.
2. happy.
3. full.

TWO things you want to do before you die:
1. finish college.
2. meet my grandkids (I want to fill their heads with stories about their daddys!)

ONE confession:
1. I love Texas & being close to family but I would love, love, love to move back to Los Alamos.

January 3, 2009

New Post

Okay, I've got to be offically the worst blogger in the history of blogging! I am so utterly neglectful. I could come up with about a thousand excuses as to WHY I haven't been blogging but really who would believe me. I COULD tell you that I've been cleaning my house like crazy or that because of the Christmas holiday & such that I was taking a break from blogging. But no, I won't lie to you, my loyal readers (you know who you are). I have just not made the time to sit down & write about anything. And don't think I don't a few things to write about (we just bought a new house!!), I just haven't made the time to do it. So forgive me, I will try to get better. So, on to why I started this post to begin with...

I sometimes wonder what would bring such a random person to my lil ol' blog. I don't have ads on my page, I'm not part of Blogher or any blogging groups, it's just me, myself & I. Sometimes I post rants, sometimes raves but mostly what is on my mind at the time. Well, I did a little research & found a couple of searches that brought some of the random folks to my site. The top three searches :

1. photobucket quotes. amazingly that was the most popular search, I just had no idea that the Random Quotes from Photobucket post would be so popular.

2. childhood cancer. one word: heartbreaking. I'm really at a loss for words when it comes to this one. I've got a very dear friend who's son is fighting this & I cannot even begin to imagine all that they have been through over the last two years. The fighting childhood cancer post makes me cry everytime I read it.

3. funny phone numbers to call. Ok, that one was pretty funny, I gave the Hubby hell for about a week afterwards. Funny thing about the funny phone call post is that 3 different people from 3 different parts of the country all googled the phrase 'funny phone numbers to call' & ended up at my lil ol' blog. Sorry folks, wrong number.