December 5, 2008

the magic number

I don't typically include my age in any of my blogs, not because of vanity but because I just don't think much about it. When asked how old I am, I usually have to pause & think about it for a second. I live by the philosophy that you're only as old as you feel & I still feel pretty darn young.

Well, I turned 30 earlier this year (September, to be exact) & had my first doctor's appointment today since turning the big 3-0. Yes, it was THAT appointment, the one every woman dreads but a very important one that every woman needs. I was dreading this one a little more than normal since I wasn't seeing my usual doc. Long story short, I needed to make this appointment for a specific time & day & my doc wasn't available so I going to see one of his associates. (Yes, I said his. You 'd have to meet him to understand.) Weeeell, this appointment was just full of not so much fun. Apparently I have gained more weight than I thought (boo!), my blood pressure is a little higher than normal & I guess 30 is the magic number to start checking cholesterol!! In other words, blood work. In other words, needle. And I HATE needles!!! I don't expect to be getting any bad news from this appointment but I'll know next week if I get a phone call from the doc's office.

One good thing did come from this visit. An undeniable number staring me in the face. I've got to loose weight. I've got to do something to get healthier. Hula hoop on Wii Fit anyone? (I promise you'll look as silly as I do.)

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