November 24, 2008

all day

The hubby asked me recently what I do all day & why I can't get such & such done (along w/ all the other things I do). Well Hubby this one's for you.

  • 5:30 am: drag out of the super warm bed to get hubby off to work, make sure he's got all his stuff (cell, keys, pen, paperwork, etc. 'cause I sure don't want to drive 2 hrs because something got left)
  • 6:00 am: snuggle up on the couch to watch the news before the kiddos get up.
  • 7:00 am: rise & shine (I was only checking for holes in my eyelids, i swear). the boys are up & they are STARVING!! the big one chants, "mama, i'm hungry!", while the little one walks around smacking & saying "mor". (BTW 'mor' is the word he uses for both food & drink & also one of the only words he can say clearly.)
  • ok, breakfast is done, the boys & the kitchen are straightened up & around 9:00/9:30 am: like clockwork, everyday the little one will have gone off to the corner for his daily constitutional. must change that one quickly, the smell is enough to kill.
  • sometime between 10:00 & 11:00 the little one will need to lay down for a morning nap. you'll know it's time when he wants to be cuddly & won't let you out of his sight.
  • meanwhile the big one has covered the living room floor w/ approximately 500 toys, asked approximately 4 million questions, asked for the tv to be paused/restarted 30 times, & gone in & out about 5 times. (that one has to be stopped, little brother will have a close call with his fingers & the front door.) the big one will stay outside to dig holes in the yard until lunchtime.
  • speaking of lunch, it's almost that time. hopefully the baby went down for a nap & a load or 10 can get started in the washer. if he didn't go down expect to have a cranky little boy following you/holding your leg as you walk around the house.
  • uh-oh, the big one is back inside chanting, "mama, i'm hungry" again, must be lunchtime. regardless of whether the baby is asleep or not, get in the kitchen to make food & he's awake. must be sure to make his food first, otherwise he's climbing on brother to get to brother's food, then starts the squealing & the whines.
  • after lunch argue with the big one to pick up some of his toys, he got them out, he can put them up. watch, i mean referee, as the boys play while i take a break & catch up on blogs, post an update on twitter, & maybe post a blog myself.
  • oh crap, the clothes in the washer are done, break is over.
  • little one is getting cuddly/cranky again time for the nap time fight to begin.
  • once the little one is down then the housework can begin again. (notice there are no more mentions of time?) the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom all need to be cleaned & the laundry needs to be washed, folded/hung up & put away.
  • still fielding about a million questions an hour from the big one.
  • by now it's almost 4:30, just about time for the hubby to arrive, make mad dash to try to get house finished or face "the look" & the question, "what did you do all day?" (jackass).
  • but don't you worry, just cause the hubby is home my day does not end.
  • oh no, dinner still has to be made, the rugrats need baths, the living room needs to be picked up AGAIN, & i am in desperate need of a shower, a shot & some sleep. but first the kids have to be put to bed & maybe have some cuddle time with the hubby. now my day is done.

And honey, that is my day. But this is really only a glimpse at a single day at home. This does not include the days when we have to run errands, have doctor's appointments, etc. This also doesn't account for the number of times i have told the kids to quit, stop it, be careful, no hitting, no spitting, what's the matter?, what are ya'll doing?, don't do that , get that out of your mouth, pick that up, gross, throw that way, dude, chill, quit holding yourself & go pee pee in the bathroom... you get the picture. Also, I've never counted, but my most educated guess would be that by the end of the day the big one has asked about 10 million DIFFERENT questions & I have answered each and every one of them TWICE! And if he's not asking how or why, he's asking to play video games. (Darn you Playstation 3 & Nintendo Wii) Oh yeah, I almost forgot, sometime in all the craziness that is my day I in have to carve out time to work with the big one on his ABC's & 123's. Remember he starts school in only 9 months & I keep hearing (in my head) a kindergarten teacher friend of mine talking about how they can always tell which kids stayed home with a parent. (Was that a dig against daycare or parents that stay home?) So honey, next time you ask me what I've done all day I will gladly refer you to this post as I cannot possibly recite all of this all over again. Love you!

November 19, 2008

long time, no blog

Okay so long time, no blog. I know I've been gone for awhile & no, I didn't fall off the face of the earth, just VERY VERY busy. So, in case you didn't know, we finally moved back to Texas. We got the word the Thursday before the move the following week. Well, that would have been plenty of time to pack up our little bit of stuff (see previous post: Gonna need a UHaul). Except that I was sidelined Tuesday morning when I was taken to the ER for emergency gallbladder surgery. I don't care what anyone says, when you're passing a gallstone (or one is stuck, as it was for me) the pain is WAY worse than having a baby! Anyways, I'm getting off track. We left New Mexico Friday night after our very good friends helped the hubby pack up the UHaul (much love to them) & headed for Texas. Since being back we have cleaned up & moved back into our craptacular house, had the boys' b-day party (remind me not to do that again) & started our new home search. Which the home search by the way has been a event all in itself. Between not knowing what our next move is going to be & can't decide were we want to live, we really can't make any definate decisions & get started with anything. Very frustrating!! UHG! Hopefully we can get some answers soon (like tomorrow) & life can begin to slow down to normal & I'll have more time for stuff like blogging! He he he!!