June 10, 2008

ready, aim, fire

Question: How is it a 4 yr. old boy can point & shoot with better accuracy than his 31 yr. old dad?

One of my biggest pet peeves is sitting down to a wet seat!!! I know there is a huge difference is height but that is no excuse poor aim.

While I'm on the subject of husbands, we'll just men in general. Why is it that men can plan something, a little get together, but when you start asking questions about the details, they are clueless. Take tonight for example. I got the call from the hubby earlier today that a couple of guys from work were gonna come over to watch a movie that was released today.

Me: Okay, what time?

Him: Around 6:30.

Me: Are they gonna eat dinner at the house?

Him: I don't know, probably.

Me: Alright, I'm making spaghetti.
...end of conversation...

Later that night, as I start to make dinner, the guys show up. One brings Subway with him & the other ate before he came over. Uggggg! Well looks like we are going to be eating some leftover spaghetti sometime later this week. Why can men not see the importance of DETAILS?!?!?

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