May 11, 2008

my mother's day

Well, let me just start off by saying that this has been a wonderful Mother's Day. I do believe that my husband is really starting to get it. This is the first Mother's Day that he has tried to make special for me. He didn't buy me anything special or fancy or expensive it was just all the little things. I got to sleep in! In the nearly 8 months that our youngest has been a living & breathing being, I have not gotten to sleep in, so this is a big thing for me. When I did get up (8:30) he made pancakes for all of us. Okay so he's no gourmet chef, but you better believe that I made out like they were the best thing since sliced bread! I did appreciate the thought. Later in the day we went to Santa Fe did some wondering around the mall, caught a late lunch at Red Lobster & then came back home & went to the movies. Speed Racer was not my first choice of movies but the big one (Eric) really wanted to see it so off we went. I have to admit, the movie was really cute. I got more than a few chuckles from it. I am glad to see that John Goodman has lost some weight, he was looking really bad there for a while. All in all I've had a pretty excellent day. Now, I just hope the hubby remembers that it is the thought that counts when it comes to Father's Day. (Seeing as how I don't work & therefore have no money!)

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