April 10, 2008

allow me to explain...

This probably should have been my first post on the new blog but I jumped in head first & there was no looking back. So here goes, I have the blog for the boys to share all the fun/funny stuff that they do but this one is just for me. I created this blog with the specific purpose of sharing the goings on of my crazy corner of the world. A few things that you should be aware of when reading this blog:

  1. I am not nearly as well versed as others. I spend a lot of time on the net & surf other blogs & there are a ton of really good writers out there. Several blogs I read on a semi-regular basis remind me of the writing style of the tv show The Gilmore Girls. While I wish that I wrote or sounded like that, sadly it will never be.
  2. I am not shy when it comes to saying what is on my mind. I don't beat around the bush, to me it's a waste of my time. I know that this fact may not sit well with others but that is who I am, like it or not.
  3. Rarely do I apologize for what I say or how I feel. I put a lot of thought into my words before I type them. There are at times only one way I can think to get my thoughts across & it can come across as brash or raw.
  4. I don’t intentionally mean to offend or hurt anyone. This is my place to vent, whine, or share my thoughts with anyone that cares to read it.

Now with that out of the way, if I didn’t scare you off forever, please leave your thoughts. I love comments. I like to know that someone is reading what I’ve written & I’m not just talking to myself out there. Hope you enjoy & keep in touch!

0 folks wanted to say what they felt: