As my first post I thought I would clue everyone into what's going on in my world here in Los Alamos. This is a repost from my MySpace blog from last week.
MOVING DAY!!! Current mood: irate
"Some people think a lot more of themselves than they really need to. I'm just sayin'." - Julie Green
I don't think I could have said it better myself. We have one of those people in our current apartment building & that is causeing a HUGE problem. A little background: this building is very old & was former military housing with very thin walls. For the most part this building is quiet & most everyone leaves to go to work during the day. That is the really good part because I don't have to worry so much about how much noise we make during the day. I know my oldest is LOUD. We try to curb it as best we can but he's 4 & has been stuck in this small apartment for most of the day. And that is where part of our problems begin, I guess someone has complained about his noise level. I totally understand the complaint. Well everything came to a head yesterday morning & it really was not pretty. First of all, our landlord knocked on the door @ around 11 am & asked to speak to me in the hallway. He had several complaints that he wanted to talk to me about.
1. The dirt that comes off of Danny's boots is all over the hallway from the entrance door all the way to our apartment door. (Well, he's not the only one that tracks dirt in & should not be singled out for it!) (Also, if he noticed this before, why wait, why not say something sooner?)
2. Eric's noise level. Like I said I guess someone has complained. (I soooo understand this one & can't believe it took so long for someone to say something.)
3. (This one is the kicker!) Aparently Danny is "intimidating" another tennant in the building. (How the hell is he doing it?) (I think the person that is making this complaint also complained about a neighbor whose little girl was crying ONE night, when she had an ear infection. She & her mother were here visiting for a few days & this guy made a big old stink about it!! A$$HOLE!)